Caryle DeCruise is a native of Florida, where she presently resides. She currently works as a Criminal Justice professional and enjoys assisting others when needed. Whether at work or in her personal life, Caryle loves to share encouraging words with those she interacts with.

In her spare time, she enjoys exercising and spending precious moments with loved ones. She is a firm believer in the power of relationships and believes “each one needs one” to excel in every area. Caryle’s faith is the glue that keeps her life together, and she believes it is the most important matter of the heart.

In keeping her faith, she uses personal trials and tribulations to encourage others to know that better days are ahead. After having one of many conversations with a friend, a seed was planted in her spirit regarding writing and how she “should write a book.” Of all the things she aspired to become, being an author was not something she envisioned.

However, during the process, she realized that sharing personal experiences through writing would become the encouragement and inspiration she needed for herself. She understands the importance of one being able to evolve to avoid becoming stagnant in life. Though change is inevitable, Caryle is truly grateful for God’s patience and for overlooking her imperfections and still sees her as the daughter of a King.

Caryle DeCruise